Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What’s with the cold, Virginia?

Seriously! I don’t understand - it’s the second half of May and it is un-be-lievably cold here. Was there a spring convention that Virginia somehow missed? Did it decide to skip spring and go straight to summer in June?

We have the “fortune” of living in a building that turns off the heat at the end of March and never turns it on again until winter. We have a heater and warm comforters, and warm clothes but they are in our HHE, which as we all know, is still forthcoming.

Which reminds me of our blanket saga. My dear mother, bless her heart (as my Florida friends would say), brings a wool blanket in her suitcase every time she comes from Bulgaria. That’s her mission in life: to slowly transfer her mountain of wool blankets to me, one at a time, even if it takes her the rest of her life. That’s right, she is a blanket “mule” on a mission and has already managed to “smuggle” half a dozen of these very warm and cozy beauties into the US of A. This is what they look like (‘cause I know you were just dying to know) .

rodopsko odealo

So, we have the “blanket fight” every time she comes and the inevitable blanket pops out of her suitcase. Because I have nowhere to put these things anymore. But she is determined and unstoppable.

Anyway, she and I had a good chuckle today. I Skyped her to complain about  the cold here and she was like, “See, if you had brought a few of those blankets with you to DC, you wouldn’t be cold now.” Oh, bless her heart! And I mean it. The only problem is, the wool blankets are also  in our HHE, keeping our furniture toasty, while we have been ffff-freezing our petuties off here for the last couple of weeks.

But I know that as soon as we get our HHE, the weather will get ungodly hot. Mark my word!

C’est la vie!


  1. I'm from the dc area...and I think may is always a crapshoot. I remember for my college graduation it was unbearably cold. Last year, too. Those are two that stick in my mind.
    Anyway, here in Nyc we're feeling it too, but it's supposed to shoot back up to 80 tomorrow. Love the blanket saga!

  2. It has been like that as long as we can remember. It can be broiling hot the first week of May and then the next week it will feel like you are heading back into fall/winter. It's generally safe to assume it will be consistently warm (and muggy) once you hit June.

  3. Never fails - if you need it, you accidentally packed it.

  4. I think it is patooties:)

  5. You are probably right, Sue but I kinda like petuties better;-D

  6. That is so funny. I was on Google to search for Rodopko odealo and clicking true pictures on the 3d did happen to be yours :))) What e terrific story !
    Tsveten Stoichev


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