Monday, March 15, 2010

Going to the mattresses

You know, like in "The Godfather" but not quite. 

We sold or donated most of our furniture, took apart what was left and have been sleeping on just the mattresses on the floor for the last couple of days. It's not ideal but Nia loves it. It's adventure sleeping as far as she is concerned and we aim to please!

Since the packers/movers are coming tomorrow there was a frenzy of activity in our house today. And I am off the caffeine wagon. Yeah, I know... I had been so good. Not a drop for at least three months. But desperate times call for desperate measures. There was just no other way to go through all of our crap worldly belongings in a day. That and we had a couple of Coke 12-packs from the last party that we didn't want to move. So, it had to be done.

Arranging everything in the right pile today was overwhelming. But I just kept drinking my Coke...Turns out we had a lot of stuff! Not sure where it all came from. It just accumulates while you are not paying attention. The scariest part was the attic. That's where we had been shoving things since we bought the house. Things came down from there that I didn't recall ever putting up. Lots of Nia baby stuff. I laid it all out on the floor in the living room, sorted it by age, ooohed and aaaahed at the cutest outfits and decided we had been holding on to that stuff long enough. It was time to share it. So, most of it went to CASA (Community Action Stops Abuse), our local charity of choice. It will make some mommies and kiddies very happy I think. 

I also spent a considerable time on my stuff, while Paul busied himself with his. No ooohing and aaahing here though since I have a wee bit of a weight issue lately. We don't talk about it much but let's just say there's more of me to love these days. In any case, it presents a wardrobe challenge as I can comfortably fit in less than a third of my clothes. I haven't given up on correcting the situation though, so I did not donate the "snugggies". And I am not buying my actual current size - it's just too depressing. Need to come up with a damage-control plan. Oooooh, control, I am good at that, so there's hope. 

Anyway, now I am completely pooped. My whole body hurts from lifting and moving things all day. I have this sense of accomplishment though. The house is an utter mess but we got to check a few things off our long to-do list and the control freak in me is rejoicing!

Off to catch some Zzzzzs - eeeeeh!


  1. I love the photo of you guys by the casa blanca, very nice!!! Get a good soak in the tub and drink some bubbly, or is that get some bubble bath and get soaked? Whatever works, hope you get back to feeling not pooped soon!


  2. I also liked that photo a lot. Your blog is just great, too. You know it's good when you read every word and are very sad when it ends. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you, ladies! I miss seeing you every day :-(


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